Saturday, January 28, 2012
5 Things I really want to do, but...
1. Up top of the list is smoking. Yes i saw a couple of people smoking in public, one of whom i remember are the policeman, and some random friends. Theyre kinda cool dont you think? no matter how ugly the smoker really are,but once the cigarette buds placed in between their fingers, they look really awesome. Its more like a fashion to me.
But, smoking never do good to your body. It can brings hundreds of medical conditions, and become one of the major risk of developing cancer. YES? I can look cool if i smoke, but the risk i have to pay is DYING!!
Is there any fake cigarette available out there? maybe for those designed for fashion or casting. i would definitely get one if there are. *macam lah kau bergaya
2. get a nice hairstyle. This is pretty much inspired by my twin brother, who happen to study in France. He kind of a fashion-freak to me. He uses hundreds of hair, facial and all stuff related to self-care products (i dont really know what they are).
before this, i dont like the way he think about fashion, styles and self-care what so ever. Because its expensive. To me, its better to spend the money to buy books (muntah rainbow...=P), foods, and tech-thinggy rather than buying the products that promise you nothing but a temporary effects. But lately, suddenly comes to my mind that "ASRI, you are still young, dont wait until you get too old to appreciate your look".
so this is what i will do sometimes this year. If i can. If i still have the spirit i have right now. HaHa. maybe Aini can help me with this. LOL!
3. Since i have mention Aini. The next thing i wanna do is to drive her everywhere we go. for the last couple of months we have been together (although we have no specific date to have our anniversary yet), all the time, she become my boyfriend, drive me everywhere we go. I feel ashamed of telling this in my own blog. but nothing i can do about this, because i have no driving licence.
i want to take the driving class here, but it takes a serious amount of money. what is it, rm1000 maybe. She teach me to drive around UM a few times. but i dont know what makes it too difficult for me to drive a manual car. Maybe i need a consistent driving lessons, not just once a month.
but this week, my cousin lend me her myvi car. But this one is different coz its auto, you dont need to bother changing the gear, pijak clutch or what so ever, it really simple. Everyone knows this right. She told me, dont leave the car in the parking lot just like that, drive it once in a while. SO what i do is, i drove it around this Hospital where im staying. And after i have the confidence, i drove it to Andalas (a place right in front of the hospital), the next day, i have reachd Jaya Jusco bukit tinggi. Fuuhhh... I was super nervous for the first time, because i dont have a driving licence, i dont know what the hell will happen to me if i get into accident. Little by little, i build up my confidence.
so, this is what i really wanna do. But i dont have the licence yet. So i dont wanna get into trouble although i have the confidence in me now. its just too risky.
4. i have this idea for years now, it become nothing but just a dream. I want to travel. I love going to other places (you maybe never know this), enjoy staying there for a couple of days. take pictures of almost anything. Showing-off to my facebook friends that i have go to these place and that place.
but the problem now is that. I dont have money. Yaaa i do, JPA gave me rm6700 per semester, but god knows how expensive is the UM fees. All the money i have now is enough for foods, and maybe few movies in cinema ect ect. No Vacation for me yahh..
5. i want to get fit and have a nice body. maybe you have seen me, i have nothing interesting about my look. I have prominent jaw line what give me a spongebob kind of face, PLUS im too short for my age. If you arrange the guys in my class according to height, i would definitely in the bottom 5. HAHA So nothing soo spicy about me unless i get fit, 6-packs, biceps, or what so ever.
But...(haha there always a But in this post). But, I am too lazy. I tried to jog once when i was in UM last time, and i never get to DAY 3. I think maybe one day i can sign up for gym (do people use "sign up"?..haha i dont even know), or buy stuff for build up maybe. I dont know. This will of course involve money, so this will never happen.=P
thank you for reading!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
sesi 15 minit : bersama chef selebriti terkenal tanah air yang lebih terkenal daripada chef azwan alia dan chef m.daud kilau memilau
hari ini saya mahu mengajar puan-puan dirumah untuk memasak rasepi terbaru saya. Chicken cheese roll. emmm... sedap kan? Nak tengok gambar sikit? ohhhh boleh boleh.. jap saya upload kan..

*amaran : sila lap air liur toan toan dan poan poan masing2!!
baiklah. tanpa membuang lebih banyak masa lagi. walaupun masa saya dah banyak terbuang dengan membuat post ni (mengeluhhh), saya teruskan dengan mengajar toan toan dan poan poan cara membuat benda-alah yang ada dalam gambar kat atas ni (lupa nama resepi seniri)
bukan nak kata apa lah kan... resepi2 saya ni memang sedap. lepas je saya publish post ni, mesti semua kedai-kedai fastfood, kedai mamak - pelita umpamanya mahupun hotel-motel mahalan, semua akan menghubungi saya bagi mendapatkan kelulusan utk memasarkan resepi saya. Itu sudah menjadi kepastian yang amat nyata. saya ni bukanlah nak berbangga diri, dah memang semua resepi saya sedap, nak buat macamana iye dok? jadi dengan itulah saya mententerakan(=.=!!) no telefon saya di penghujung post ini. saya bagi no telefon tu jangan toan-toan dan poan-poan pegi main-main pulak. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya sebagai chef selebriti terkenal dan humble, saya selalu mendapat panggilan pelik-pelik, ada yang mintak datang sebab ada kebakaran rumah, ada yang panggil saya tuan polis...haihh, toan-toan dan poan-poan ni tuli ke ape??? saya ni chef selebriti terkenal, bukan tempat aduan 999...
Tidak perlu saya nyatakan disini, saya jugak pernah mendapat panggilan sex daripada semua jenis jantina. Saya musykil akan perwatakan saya dikaca tv. Apakah saya terlalu seksi?? ohhh tidakk... saya juga pernah TERpergi sebuah tandas awam di salah sebuah midvalley megamall yang terkemuka dikalangan pelajar UM (nama mall tersebut perlu dirahsiakan atas sebab-sebab yang budak kecik pun tahu kenapa), dimana, saya telah mendapati, no telefon saya terdapat disemua pintu-pintu tandas di mall tersebut. saya sedikit kagum dengan gaya bahasa pengiklanan yang mereka guna pakai.ummphh... saya sangat kagum. memang patutlah ramai yang mencari perkhidmatan sex. Namun, itu bukan point yang saya cuba sampaikan. tidak hairanlah, saya mendapat lebih dari 37 panggilan sehari, rupa-rupanya ada saluran pengiklanan lain yang cuba menjual no telefon saya. kalau panggilan itu berkaitan dengan masak-memasak tidak mengapa, namun ini??? mintak perkhidmatan sex.
saya harap toan-toan dan poan-poan tidak lagi membuat perkara yang sebegini yang boleh merusakkan imej saya sebagai chef selebriti yang terkenal, lebih terkenal daripada chef azwan alia mahupun chef M.daud kilau memilau.
baiklah toan-toan dan poan-poan, jangan buang masa saya lagi, saya sibuk poan-poan. anak bini dah panggil masak (haper kau ingat aku takde kerja lain?? memasak aje..)Baiklah, mari kita teruskan dengan agenda utama kita. sudah tentu memasak. ape lagi kan, takkan menjahit pulak, iye?..
saya nak cakap omputeh sikit ye toan-toan dan poan-poan. bukan nak cakap besarlah ye, saya ni dulu belajar kat england 10 tahun (saya ni sebenarnya selalu repeat, asyik gagal aje, sebab tu lah belajar sampai 10 tahun...hehehe) Bagi yang rasa diri tu bodoh english, toan-toan dan poan-poan boleh mengalih bahasa saya kepada bahasa mandarin dan bahasa indon. Bahasa tamil takda ye ane-purengge...
Ingredients of Chicken Cheese Roll: ye poan-poan
6 Bread slices
Cheese slices three, Cut in the middle
1/2 cup Green peas boiled
1/2 cup Boiled chicken pieces
1 Egg (bukan telur burung ataupun telur ular ye poan-poan, ini telur ayam)
Bread crumbs 1 cup,
Oil to deep fry
Salt to taste (bukan maksudnya poan-poan letak kat lidah ye, ini maksudnya secukup rasa)
pepper to taste
A large bowl filled with water.
How to make Chicken Cheese Roll: ye poan-poan
Cut away the brown corners of each bread(can be used to make breadcrumbs). Kalau nak masuk terus dalam mulut pon boleh jugak ye poan poan
Mix together green peas, chicken pieces, salt & pepper.
Now soak each bread in the water bowl only for few second.
Squeeze between palms to drain away the water in the bread. (pastikan tangah bersih ye poan-poan, jangan lah lepas garu-garu ponggong tu pegi pegang roti pulak, tak pasal-pasal kne diarrhea dek staph aureus infection.... bukan nak kata apa lah kan, saya ni chef selebriti terkenal, jadi saya tahu lah infection spread by food...wahhhhh... jangan kagum ye poan-poan, saya tak nak membangga diri walaupun saya dulu pernah dapat distinction dalam subjek bacteria ni)
Now place a 1/2 cheese slice in the middle of the wet bread. (yang ni poan-poan yang ada masalah parkinsonism mahupun thyrotoxicosis dinasihatkan berputus asa daripada meneruskan proses ini, kerana usaha anda akan membuatkan resepi saya menjadi seperti begedil...jangan merusakkan resepi saya ye poan poan)
Place 1 tbsp of the green peas and chicken in the middle (elongated shape). (tbsp tu bukan nama kumpulan K-Pop yang nyanyi lagu 'i'll be back' ye toan-toan, tbsp tu table spoon...ada paham??)
Fold around the sides of the bread to make a roll covering cheese and mixture inside.
Dip in beaten egg, roll in crumbs and deep fry. (toan toan jangan lupa untuk membeli dapur gas sendiri ye, kalau tak ada dapur gas, toan toan boleh berhenti sampai setakat ini dan sila berputus asa)
Chicken Cheese Roll is ready to serve.
Serve hot with ketchup.
maka siap lah *jap lupa nama resepi*
Chicken Cheese Roll... ye....Chicken Cheese Roll!!
sila lah menjamu selera dan dimakan bersama anak cucu. jangan dimakan bersendirian ye poan poan. Makan dengan se-isi rumah,,,, kerana sekiranya anda kena cirit birit, bukan anda seorang yang bermasalah, tetapi satu family jugak dapat cirit birit. Bak kata pepatah "bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh"
maka selamat menjamu selera dan selamat cirit birit beramai-ramai...
no telefon : 01345901010
p/s: stress tak dapat tido satu malam.sebab petang semalam dah overslept sebab hujan lebat, dan sangat sijuk, dan memang sangat best tido lama-lama, akhirnya aku sniri tak ley tido waktu yang sepatutnya aku tido.
post ini dibuat disebabkan aku sangat lapar, nak tunggu faizshuhaimi faizso min dan pimet bangun pagi dan mengheret aku pergi makan. haihh... lamanya diorg tido.. bangun laaa...bangun laaa
pls dont judge me. A future doctor talking crap and rubbish like this. Im a normal person, and have thirst of some fun. ;P

*amaran : sila lap air liur toan toan dan poan poan masing2!!
baiklah. tanpa membuang lebih banyak masa lagi. walaupun masa saya dah banyak terbuang dengan membuat post ni (mengeluhhh), saya teruskan dengan mengajar toan toan dan poan poan cara membuat benda-alah yang ada dalam gambar kat atas ni (lupa nama resepi seniri)
bukan nak kata apa lah kan... resepi2 saya ni memang sedap. lepas je saya publish post ni, mesti semua kedai-kedai fastfood, kedai mamak - pelita umpamanya mahupun hotel-motel mahalan, semua akan menghubungi saya bagi mendapatkan kelulusan utk memasarkan resepi saya. Itu sudah menjadi kepastian yang amat nyata. saya ni bukanlah nak berbangga diri, dah memang semua resepi saya sedap, nak buat macamana iye dok? jadi dengan itulah saya mententerakan(=.=!!) no telefon saya di penghujung post ini. saya bagi no telefon tu jangan toan-toan dan poan-poan pegi main-main pulak. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya sebagai chef selebriti terkenal dan humble, saya selalu mendapat panggilan pelik-pelik, ada yang mintak datang sebab ada kebakaran rumah, ada yang panggil saya tuan polis...haihh, toan-toan dan poan-poan ni tuli ke ape??? saya ni chef selebriti terkenal, bukan tempat aduan 999...
Tidak perlu saya nyatakan disini, saya jugak pernah mendapat panggilan sex daripada semua jenis jantina. Saya musykil akan perwatakan saya dikaca tv. Apakah saya terlalu seksi?? ohhh tidakk... saya juga pernah TERpergi sebuah tandas awam di salah sebuah midvalley megamall yang terkemuka dikalangan pelajar UM (nama mall tersebut perlu dirahsiakan atas sebab-sebab yang budak kecik pun tahu kenapa), dimana, saya telah mendapati, no telefon saya terdapat disemua pintu-pintu tandas di mall tersebut. saya sedikit kagum dengan gaya bahasa pengiklanan yang mereka guna pakai.ummphh... saya sangat kagum. memang patutlah ramai yang mencari perkhidmatan sex. Namun, itu bukan point yang saya cuba sampaikan. tidak hairanlah, saya mendapat lebih dari 37 panggilan sehari, rupa-rupanya ada saluran pengiklanan lain yang cuba menjual no telefon saya. kalau panggilan itu berkaitan dengan masak-memasak tidak mengapa, namun ini??? mintak perkhidmatan sex.
saya harap toan-toan dan poan-poan tidak lagi membuat perkara yang sebegini yang boleh merusakkan imej saya sebagai chef selebriti yang terkenal, lebih terkenal daripada chef azwan alia mahupun chef M.daud kilau memilau.
baiklah toan-toan dan poan-poan, jangan buang masa saya lagi, saya sibuk poan-poan. anak bini dah panggil masak (haper kau ingat aku takde kerja lain?? memasak aje..)Baiklah, mari kita teruskan dengan agenda utama kita. sudah tentu memasak. ape lagi kan, takkan menjahit pulak, iye?..
saya nak cakap omputeh sikit ye toan-toan dan poan-poan. bukan nak cakap besarlah ye, saya ni dulu belajar kat england 10 tahun (saya ni sebenarnya selalu repeat, asyik gagal aje, sebab tu lah belajar sampai 10 tahun...hehehe) Bagi yang rasa diri tu bodoh english, toan-toan dan poan-poan boleh mengalih bahasa saya kepada bahasa mandarin dan bahasa indon. Bahasa tamil takda ye ane-purengge...
Ingredients of Chicken Cheese Roll: ye poan-poan
6 Bread slices
Cheese slices three, Cut in the middle
1/2 cup Green peas boiled
1/2 cup Boiled chicken pieces
1 Egg (bukan telur burung ataupun telur ular ye poan-poan, ini telur ayam)
Bread crumbs 1 cup,
Oil to deep fry
Salt to taste (bukan maksudnya poan-poan letak kat lidah ye, ini maksudnya secukup rasa)
pepper to taste
A large bowl filled with water.
How to make Chicken Cheese Roll: ye poan-poan
Cut away the brown corners of each bread(can be used to make breadcrumbs). Kalau nak masuk terus dalam mulut pon boleh jugak ye poan poan
Mix together green peas, chicken pieces, salt & pepper.
Now soak each bread in the water bowl only for few second.
Squeeze between palms to drain away the water in the bread. (pastikan tangah bersih ye poan-poan, jangan lah lepas garu-garu ponggong tu pegi pegang roti pulak, tak pasal-pasal kne diarrhea dek staph aureus infection.... bukan nak kata apa lah kan, saya ni chef selebriti terkenal, jadi saya tahu lah infection spread by food...wahhhhh... jangan kagum ye poan-poan, saya tak nak membangga diri walaupun saya dulu pernah dapat distinction dalam subjek bacteria ni)
Now place a 1/2 cheese slice in the middle of the wet bread. (yang ni poan-poan yang ada masalah parkinsonism mahupun thyrotoxicosis dinasihatkan berputus asa daripada meneruskan proses ini, kerana usaha anda akan membuatkan resepi saya menjadi seperti begedil...jangan merusakkan resepi saya ye poan poan)
Place 1 tbsp of the green peas and chicken in the middle (elongated shape). (tbsp tu bukan nama kumpulan K-Pop yang nyanyi lagu 'i'll be back' ye toan-toan, tbsp tu table spoon...ada paham??)
Fold around the sides of the bread to make a roll covering cheese and mixture inside.
Dip in beaten egg, roll in crumbs and deep fry. (toan toan jangan lupa untuk membeli dapur gas sendiri ye, kalau tak ada dapur gas, toan toan boleh berhenti sampai setakat ini dan sila berputus asa)
Chicken Cheese Roll is ready to serve.
Serve hot with ketchup.
maka siap lah *jap lupa nama resepi*
Chicken Cheese Roll... ye....Chicken Cheese Roll!!
sila lah menjamu selera dan dimakan bersama anak cucu. jangan dimakan bersendirian ye poan poan. Makan dengan se-isi rumah,,,, kerana sekiranya anda kena cirit birit, bukan anda seorang yang bermasalah, tetapi satu family jugak dapat cirit birit. Bak kata pepatah "bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh"
maka selamat menjamu selera dan selamat cirit birit beramai-ramai...
no telefon : 01345901010
p/s: stress tak dapat tido satu malam.sebab petang semalam dah overslept sebab hujan lebat, dan sangat sijuk, dan memang sangat best tido lama-lama, akhirnya aku sniri tak ley tido waktu yang sepatutnya aku tido.
post ini dibuat disebabkan aku sangat lapar, nak tunggu faizshuhaimi faizso min dan pimet bangun pagi dan mengheret aku pergi makan. haihh... lamanya diorg tido.. bangun laaa...bangun laaa
pls dont judge me. A future doctor talking crap and rubbish like this. Im a normal person, and have thirst of some fun. ;P
Saturday, October 08, 2011
respect each other, sounds simple, and it is simple
halllo there. its been a while. This is kind of like a knee-jerk reflex after someone text me 'update la blog, da berhabuk'. so here i am writing. Since i just done my first case report, so let the art of writing (typing??) continue. OK??
im not going to tell you guys what i have been through these few weeks - youre not asking either right??haha (particularly hows my surgical posting). Its depressing, and im not quite sure why. Its like a cumulative un-satisfactions of different kind of things, problems, self-esteem. This clinical posting should be the most interesting part as a medical student, i should be happy, it suppose to be fun and i should be excited. But im not excited as much.
im writing this post now to share u guys with one of my must-read blog (its like a must-read book of the month..haha). Dr. Pagalavan's. Sounds familiar? yup, he's quite famous after writing multiple post regarding malaysians medical issues, future doctors and stuffs. His post has spread in facebook and email since i know him from facebook,to be exact, in "notes" my friend tag me in. His blog has become my favorite since then.

This week, i read one of his post regarding Malaysian HO works like slaves.
just few words :
why is it so difficult for people to respect each other? To help one another?
Our country is well known of its culture, what to call that, "bersopan santun, bertolak ansur, bertoleransi ect ect". How come people in england or australia have more of these values compare to us?
let me tell you one story. Happen to me in the ward, on my second week in surgery posting.
Im still talking to a makcik with breast ca metastases to bone. While im still clerking, came one Pakistan specialist, ask me "are you medical student?", i said "yes?", then he said "get out!!".
watch your language gentleman, wheres your manners? (im not saying these by the way, i were just leave)
He probably want to consult the mak cik for the surgical procedure or whatsoever. so he need himself alone with the makcik. But does he really has to be rude? i know im a medical student, maybe he looks down at me. But He also a medical student before. He was as stupid as me. I dont know if he likes to be treated this way. But most people hate it, and i am one of the 'most people'.
ward is a learning environment for medical students and junior doctors. We wont be learining so much if this "not respect" and "your work is your work, mine is mine" attitude continues.
p/s: this is just between docs, belum citer sal nurse lagik..haihh....
im not going to tell you guys what i have been through these few weeks - youre not asking either right??haha (particularly hows my surgical posting). Its depressing, and im not quite sure why. Its like a cumulative un-satisfactions of different kind of things, problems, self-esteem. This clinical posting should be the most interesting part as a medical student, i should be happy, it suppose to be fun and i should be excited. But im not excited as much.
im writing this post now to share u guys with one of my must-read blog (its like a must-read book of the month..haha). Dr. Pagalavan's. Sounds familiar? yup, he's quite famous after writing multiple post regarding malaysians medical issues, future doctors and stuffs. His post has spread in facebook and email since i know him from facebook,to be exact, in "notes" my friend tag me in. His blog has become my favorite since then.

This week, i read one of his post regarding Malaysian HO works like slaves.
just few words :
why is it so difficult for people to respect each other? To help one another?
Our country is well known of its culture, what to call that, "bersopan santun, bertolak ansur, bertoleransi ect ect". How come people in england or australia have more of these values compare to us?
let me tell you one story. Happen to me in the ward, on my second week in surgery posting.
Im still talking to a makcik with breast ca metastases to bone. While im still clerking, came one Pakistan specialist, ask me "are you medical student?", i said "yes?", then he said "get out!!".
watch your language gentleman, wheres your manners? (im not saying these by the way, i were just leave)
He probably want to consult the mak cik for the surgical procedure or whatsoever. so he need himself alone with the makcik. But does he really has to be rude? i know im a medical student, maybe he looks down at me. But He also a medical student before. He was as stupid as me. I dont know if he likes to be treated this way. But most people hate it, and i am one of the 'most people'.
ward is a learning environment for medical students and junior doctors. We wont be learining so much if this "not respect" and "your work is your work, mine is mine" attitude continues.
p/s: this is just between docs, belum citer sal nurse lagik..haihh....
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